Alimiyyah Online Programme

Alimiyyah Online Programme

Embark on a transformative journey with our Alimiyyah Online programme, where seekers of knowledge delve into the depths of Islamic scholarship.

The Essence of Alimiyyah Online Programme

The Alimiyyah Online programme is a comprehensive Islamic studies initiative, designed to provide a structured and accessible path for individuals seeking an in-depth understanding of Islamic sciences.

Exploring the Alimiyyah Online Programme

1-Quranic Studies:

  • In-depth exploration of the Quran, covering its themes, historical context, and linguistic nuances.
  • Memorization of selected chapters (Surahs) for a deeper connection with the divine text.
  • Tafsir (exegesis) studies to understand the meanings and interpretations of Quranic verses.
  • Quranic studies are conducted with a balance of traditional recitation, memorization, and modern pedagogical methods.
  • Interactive sessions encourage discussions on the moral, spiritual, and practical applications of Quranic teachings.

2-Hadith Sciences:

  • Systematic study of Hadith literature, including the Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim collections.
  • Principles of Hadith criticism (Mustalah al-Hadith) to understand the authenticity and reliability of narrations.
  • Application of Hadith in legal and ethical frameworks.
  • Scholars guide students through the classification, interpretation, and contextualization of various Hadiths.
  • Practical exercises involve analyzing Hadiths to derive legal rulings and ethical principles.

3-Fiqh (Jurisprudence):

  • Thorough exploration of Islamic jurisprudence, covering the four major Sunni schools of thought.
  • Application of Fiqh principles to contemporary issues and real-life scenarios.
  • Comparative Fiqh studies to appreciate the diversity of legal opinions within the Islamic tradition.
  • Case studies, hypothetical scenarios, and debates simulate practical applications of Fiqh.
  • Discussions led by experienced scholars provide insights into the evolution and application of legal rulings.

4-Aqeedah (Theology):

  • In-depth study of core beliefs in Islam, including the oneness of Allah, prophethood, and the afterlife.
  • Exploration of theological debates and historical developments in Islamic thought.
  • Comparative theology to understand different theological perspectives within Islam.
  • Theology classes are designed to encourage critical thinking and open discussions on complex theological concepts.
  • Scholars guide students in developing a strong and coherent understanding of Islamic beliefs.

5-Arabic Language Proficiency:

  • Systematic learning of the Arabic alphabet and pronunciation.
  • Building vocabulary with a focus on terms used in Islamic texts.
  • Grammar studies to enable reading, understanding, and translating classical Islamic texts.
  • Interactive language lessons incorporate multimedia resources to enhance learning.
  • Practical exercises, conversations, and reading assignments reinforce Arabic language skills in an Islamic context.

Our four-year Alimiyyah Online programme

Year 1: Foundations and Quranic Studies

  1. Arabic Language: Introduction to the Arabic alphabet, basic grammar, and vocabulary.
  2. Islamic Studies Fundamentals: Core principles of Islamic belief, history, and ethics.
  3. Tajweed and Quranic Studies: Perfecting Quranic recitation, basic Tajweed rules, and introductory Tafsir.
  • Establishing a strong linguistic foundation in Arabic.
  • Building a fundamental understanding of Islamic beliefs and practices.
  • Developing proficiency in reciting and understanding Quranic verses.

Year 2: Hadith Sciences and Arabic Grammar

  1. Hadith Sciences: In-depth study of Hadith collections, Mustalah al-Hadith, and application of Hadith in Fiqh.
  2. Advanced Arabic Language: Deepening knowledge of Arabic grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.
  3. Fiqh (Jurisprudence): Introduction to major Fiqh schools and their principles.
  • Immersing in the study of authentic Hadith literature.
  • Strengthening Arabic language skills for advanced textual analysis.
  • Understanding foundational Fiqh principles.

Year 3: Fiqh Specialization and Aqeedah Studies

  1. Specialized Fiqh Studies: In-depth exploration of one of the major Fiqh schools.
  2. Aqeedah Studies: Advanced exploration of Islamic theology and creed.
  3. Arabic Rhetoric (Balagha): Understanding advanced linguistic features in classical Arabic texts.
  • Specializing in a particular Fiqh school to understand its nuances.
  • Advancing theological knowledge and engaging in in-depth discussions.
  • Developing expertise in the rhetorical features of classical Arabic.

Year 4: Integration and Capstone Projects

  1. Integration of Studies: Synthesizing knowledge from various disciplines.
  2. Capstone Projects: Undertaking research projects, dissertations, or practical applications.
  3. Review and Reflection: Consolidating learning and preparing for graduation.
  • Integrating knowledge gained in previous years for a holistic understanding.
  • Applying acquired knowledge in real-world scenarios through capstone projects.
  • Reflecting on the entire academic journey and preparing for a life of continuous learning.

Our Features Across Four Years:

Interactive Learning Environment:
  • Live sessions with scholars for ongoing guidance.
  • Discussion forums and community engagement.
  • Multimedia resources to enhance learning.
  • Regular quizzes, assignments, and exams to evaluate comprehension.
  • Capstone projects assessed for research and practical applications.
  • Self-paced learning with structured milestones.
  • Access to recorded lectures for flexible study hours.
  • Building a global community of learners.
  • Networking with scholars, peers, and alumni.
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