Aqeedah Course for Kids

Aqeedah Course for Kids

In the rich tapestry of Islamic education, the importance of instilling a strong foundation of faith in children cannot be overstated. The “Aqeedah Course for Kids” emerges as a beacon, guiding young minds through the fundamental principles of Islamic creed in a manner tailored to their understanding and developmental needs.

Aqeedah, the Arabic term for creed or belief system, forms the bedrock of a Muslim’s identity. It encompasses the essential tenets that define the Islamic worldview, shaping perspectives on Allah, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and the unseen aspects of faith. Recognizing the need for a specialized approach for young learners, the Aqeedah Course for Kids seeks to make these profound concepts accessible, engaging, and, above all, spiritually enriching.

This course unfolds a carefully crafted curriculum, delving into the first principles of our Deen (faith) with Lesson 1 focusing on “Islaam: The First Principle of our Deen.” From there, young participants embark on a journey through the Five Pillars of Islaam, delve into the intricacies of Imaan (faith), explore the concept of Ihsaan (excellence in worship), and unravel the profound meaning of Tawheed (oneness of Allah).

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Islaam: The First Principle of our Deen

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Islaam

    • Explore the concept of Islaam, introducing it as a complete way of life centered around submission to Allah.
  • Lesson 2: Understanding the Pillars of Islaam

    • Dive into the Five Pillars of Islaam, encompassing Shahada, Salah, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj, elucidating their significance in daily practice.
  • Lesson 3: The First Pillar – Shahada

    • Unpack the meaning of Shahada, emphasizing its role as the foundational declaration of faith that unites all Muslims.
  • Lesson 4: The Second Pillar – Salah

    • Break down the ritualistic aspects of Salah, highlighting its importance in fostering a direct connection with Allah through daily prayers.
  • Lesson 5: The Third Pillar – Zakat

    • Discuss the concept of Zakat as a means of financial purification, showcasing the role of charity in strengthening the Muslim community.
  • Lesson 6: The Fourth Pillar – Sawm (Fasting)

    • Explore the spiritual and physical benefits of fasting during Ramadan, teaching kids about self-discipline and empathy for others.
  • Lesson 7: The Fifth Pillar – Hajj

    • Transport young minds to the pilgrimage of Hajj, emphasizing unity and the spiritual journey of self-purification.

Imaan: The Second Principle of our Deen

  • Lesson 8: Introduction to Imaan

    • Lay the foundation for Imaan, describing it as the belief in unseen aspects of the faith that solidify the Islamic worldview.
  • Lesson 9: The First Pillar of Imaan – Belief in Allah

    • Deepen the understanding of Allah’s oneness, exploring His attributes and fostering love and reverence for the Creator.
  • Lesson 10: The Second Pillar of Imaan – Belief in Angels

    • Introduce the angelic realm, elucidating the roles of angels in carrying out Allah’s commands and safeguarding believers.
  • Lesson 11: The Third and Fourth Pillars of Imaan – Books and Messengers

    • Unveil the divine scriptures and their messengers, emphasizing the importance of revelation in guiding human conduct.
  • Lesson 12: The Fifth Pillar of Imaan – Day of Judgment

    • Illuminate the concept of the Day of Judgment, encouraging a sense of responsibility and accountability for actions.
  • Lesson 13: The Sixth Pillar of Imaan – Predestination

    • Discuss Qadr (Divine Decree), instilling trust in Allah’s plan and promoting a balanced understanding of free will.

Ihsaan: The Third Principle of our Deen

  • Lesson 14: Introduction to Ihsaan

    • Introduce Ihsaan as the pursuit of excellence in worship and morality, encouraging a heightened awareness of Allah’s presence.
  • Lesson 15: The Meaning of Tawheed

    • Delve into Tawheed, elucidating the oneness of Allah in His lordship, divinity, and names and attributes.
  • Lesson 16: Categories of Tawheed

    • Explore the three categories of Tawheed – Rububiyyah, Uluhiyyah, and Asma’ wa Sifat – to provide a comprehensive understanding of monotheism.

Tawheed in Islam: Understanding the Three Categories

In Islamic theology, Tawheed represents the oneness and uniqueness of Allah. This concept is categorized into three fundamental aspects, each holding immense significance in shaping the Islamic worldview.

1. Tawheed Ar-Ruboobiyyah: The Oneness of Lordship:

Tawheed Ar-Ruboobiyyah emphasizes the exclusive lordship of Allah over the entire universe. It acknowledges that Allah alone is the creator, sustainer, and controller of all that exists. Believers recognize His sovereignty in managing the affairs of creation, attributing all power and authority to Him.

2. Tawheed Al Asma wa Siffat: The Oneness of Allah’s Names and Attributes:

Tawheed Al Asma wa Siffat underscores the uniqueness of Allah’s names and attributes. It involves acknowledging and affirming the divine names and qualities mentioned in the Quran and the Hadith. Believers recognize that Allah’s attributes are perfect and beyond human comprehension, emphasizing the unparalleled nature of His characteristics.

3. Tawheed Al Ibaadah: The Oneness of Worship:

Tawheed Al Ibaadah is the central tenet of Islamic faith, focusing on the exclusive worship of Allah. It involves directing all acts of worship, including prayers, supplications, and rituals, solely to Allah. This category of Tawheed emphasizes the rejection of any form of association or partnership with Allah in worship, highlighting the pure and uncompromised devotion to the Creator.

Kalimat At-Tawheed: The Declaration of Oneness :

Kalimat At-Tawheed encapsulates the fundamental declaration that affirms the oneness of Allah. The phrase “La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah” translates to “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger.” This declaration serves as the cornerstone of Islamic creed, encapsulating the belief in the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ.

Conclusion: This Aqeedah course for kids goes beyond imparting knowledge; it instills a profound connection to faith, fostering a love for Allah and a commitment to Islamic principles.

Course Features
  • 1 Free Trial Class
  • Completion Certificates
  • Classes Around The Clock
  • One-To-One Live Sessions
  • Male & Female Tutors


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